Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well somehow little chicken is 11 weeks old today! I can't believe how fast time goes by! Nothing too big is going on around here except for just having fun and being silly with Kinley, she is hilarious and oh so friggin sweet! I keep telling Jay that I can already tell she is going to be so kind hearted when she grows up ( I swear, I can just tell!).....and I think she'll have a pretty funny personality too :)
Here is our mohawk that mommy styled the other night after our bath.....very easy to do with all that fabulous hair.
Hanging with daddy at my "meet Kinley" party in Oklahoma - 10 1/2 weeks.

What a handsome daddy Kinley has :)

She has become obsessed with her zebra rattle, she could just stare at him and talk to him for hours! She loves to look at his face, I think she thinks he's a person.

Apparently she likes things with faces because she has also fallen in love with this flower toy!

This is my new favorite pic of her.......I snapped it on the way home from the farm (aka Grandma Betty's house) about a week ago. Her smile takes my breath away every time! I bought her these little bunny strap covers a couple weeks ago and they are so comfy, she loves them!

Of course Boomies is right by her side......he loves when she's on her playmat because he likes to lick up her spit up, gross! She has started to notice Boomer now and I've caught her smiling at him a couple times :)

While we were in Oklahoma our four legged babies stayed with my parents and got to go swimming in my sisters pool. As you can see, Cash was in heaven. Here he is relaxing on the step after swimming like crazy and running laps around the pool!

Uncle Coby was nice enough to play some ball! He reported that Boomer played for 5 minutes and then was too fat to swim or play anymore after that, big surprise!

I am very excited about taking Kinley for her first swim soon! I can't wait to dress her in her cute little swim suits!

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