Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crazy Summertime!

Oh my goodness our heads are spinning right now, we have been very busy! I really need to be better about blogging my sweet little girls life, I feel like if I don't, I'm going to forget when everything happened. She changes everyday! Since I can't do 50 different posts, I will recap with pictures and captions but here's a little idea of whats been going on with the Jensens lately (in order! :). .........
-We reserved a lot to build on in the neighborhood we've had our eye on for over a year now
-Went crazy and stressed out because there was so much to do to fix up this house........but then had to go out of town
-Kinley turned 3 months old!
-Kinley and mommy had their first weekend away from eachother while daddy went to Oklahoma with her and I went on a girls trip to Fredericksburg (post to come!)
-Jay took the dogs with him and they're staying in Okla while we try and sell the house :( it's awful but would be impossible with them here!
-We celebrated Jay's first fathers day (post to come!)
-We fixed up the entire house in pretty much 2 days, phew!
-We put the house on the market Friday, had a showing Saturday (that was nuts!)
-Went to sign our life away and start the contract on the new house today!

Okay! I'll do another post about house stuff soon but here are some pics of Kinley lately :)

Mommy had her first big mess up.....took a big chunk our of her finger while trimming her tiny baby nails.......babies bleed A LOT!!

We are working hard on tummy time......but she still pretty much hates it and would rather just lay and relax on her belly. I bought her this tummy time mat to try and help.....just one more thing laying around the house!

She can sit in her bumbo pretty good now and takes the BEST pictures in it!

Family swimming pic :)

I snapped these precious pics of K with "puppy". I gave him to her since her real puppies arent here anymore and she loves him! She cuddles and eats him (aka gives him kisses :) So sweet, it melts my heart, I miss my boys baaaaaaad!

3 months old!

All from her first swim, she absolutely loves the water!

I can't believe how fast time is flying and how much of a little person she is becoming. She is smiling almost every minute that she is awake and laughs out loud all the time now.......she even cracks up after she's had a little cough/choke. Everything is hilarious to her! She still loves to stare at her flower toy and is always stuffing it and everything else in her mouth (kinda scary). She also loves to stare at mommy when she does her workout dvd........apparently that is VERY funny looking!

We are rolling all the way over now from back to tummy......but again, don't like it very much when we get to the tummy part!

We go to the doctor in a couple weeks and I can't wait to see how much she's grown. I had to go buy some size 9 months sleep n plays the other day because she's already too long for her 6 month ones, sheesh!

Okie dokie, sorry for all the info but if I don't blog it, I'll forget it!!

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