Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fredericksburg Girls Trip! June 2011

We had so much fun on our trip! I had been looking forward to this for a loooooong time after being out of commission for 9 months of prego-ness and 3 months of mommyhood! I missed Kinley like crazy but it was good to get away for a bit :)
The highlight of the trip was our limo-wine tour! It was the most fun! We became bff's with our driver George and he let us take as much time as we wanted. So, we did! The wine was flowing like water, we couldn't get enough of it.......and we started the party everywhere we went! The cute little town, beer joints and shopping were fun too.....but the wineries were by far my favorite part!

Here are all the girls!

This is out of order but here is Me, Brook & Erin in Luckenbach.


Ash & I at Grape Creek

So pretty!

Here are some of the girls tasting at William-Chris Winery. We all fell in love with Chris a little!

This is Tika, she tore Erin's foot up and made her bleed after spotting a lizard she wanted! Woops Tika!

Erin, Me, Ash in the limo!




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