Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lovey Love Love :)

OH MY GOODNESS I love this little girl of mine!!
Of course I've loved her since the moment I knew she was in my belly....and then even more once I laid eyes on her.....but the stage that she's entered the past couple weeks have made the love grow even more, like A LOT more..........just when I thought I couldn't love her anymore! She is talking and cooing and smiling allllllll the time and it absolutely melts my heart. I feel like she's a little person now instead of a sleepy newborn. We have been talking back and forth to each other all morning and as we speak, she is sitting in her favorite chair smiling a huge smile and entertaining herself with baby babble! This is just so fun! I don't know how I'll ever be able to drag myself back to work. I wasn't sure if the stay at home mommy thing was for me, but turns out, it is totally me!! I think in the back of my mind I'm pretending like somethings gonna happen to where I don't have to go, ha! Fat chance!

Little chicken turned 2 months old on Tuesday (I think, I still don't know whether to go by weeks or the day of the month she was born). We went to the doctor last week for a checkup and the big 2 month shots :( She did great though, only cried for a few seconds!
She is a tall baby girl! She measured 23 1/2 inches which is in the 90th percentile. She weighed in at 10 lb. 10 oz which is in the 56th percentile. She would weigh a lot more if she didn't spit up all the time, poor girl! But even with all the spitup and poo poo problems, she is very healthy!
Here are her cute 2 month pics :)

She only lasts for a few short minutes in our photoshoots! I think the crying pics are cute that mean?!?!

After her 2 month birthday, we went to Katy to visit the Bratchers and go to Ashley & Beckett's baby shower. We were very excited to introduce Kinley and Logan, I knew it would be so fun and it was! Logan loved having a baby around and I know Kinley loved her new best friend!

Here's the little baby girl and the big baby girl!

We of course had to do a mini photo shoot. I love this one because Kinley is staring at her thinking "I really like you new friend!"

She didn't so much like this part!

We had so much fun and are excited that in future trips to Houston, there will be THREE little ones around since baby Beckett will be here soon. And maybe soon some people around here can give Kinley some friends to play with (hint hint someone reading this that starts with an A and has blonde hair!)

Here is one more picture of that sweet, sweet smile!!!!! I could just eat her up!


  1. Precious pics! Did Lo and K have on matching outfits? And I do agree- Amber is totally ready to give K a friend to play with! ;)

  2. Yes, precious matching outfits!! Love those baby girls! We had so much fun with y'all here and want to play every weekend! BTW, Logan definitely knows Kinley and asks about her daily now-she looks at her pictures and says "It's Kinney!" :)
    And I's time for more babies Ash!! :) (after girl's weekend, of course)

  3. You were born to be a Mommy! You are such a natural with Kinley and look like you have it down! Loved seeing you in Houston and getting to ask you all the personal labor questions.

    Ashley-Beckett's going to need some more playmates at football games :)
