Sunday, August 5, 2012

My sweet girl is already 16 and 1/2 months! But most days I feel like she might as well be 3......she seems like such a big girl! I have been home with her for a couple months now since its summer time and I can hardly believe how much she's changed  in such little time.  She is talking like crazy, I feel like she learns a few new words every day. I'll say something once and then all of a sudden she's added it to her vocabulary (mommy sort of thinks she's a genius, haha!).  I wish I could remember all of her words right now but a few of them are: dog, no-no dog, no-no Ba-ma (Boomer), Osh (Cash), moo, brush, hot, wow, more, water, ball, moon........and more! And even though she's been able to say Ma-ma for awhile, she for some reason likes to say it all day now........which I love :) And every time she says Da-da, she says it in a whisper......we think its funny :)

She also definitely started entering her "terrible twos" this summer even though she's not two! She has gotten much better but for awhile there, I was scared! She is not afraid to let her sass show but she's learning what is ok and what is not ok.  But, while she may be starting with her fits and what not, she is still such a sweet, sweet angel! Her precious smile and kisses melt my heart daily.  I'd have to say the thing that gets me most is when she pats me and rubs me on the back and lays her head on my shoulder when I pick her up . She's been doing this since she was little bitty but I still melt a little every time! 

She is still in the high 90's in her percentiles..........big girl! She is wearing 2T now in most everything. I'm sure she could wear 24 mos in some stuff but I don't buy it because I know she'll grow out of it asap! That little belly is definitely rounding out, so precious! Here are some cute pics I've taken lately.  Gotta love those tooshy pics!

I had to add a heart tattoo, how could I not?!?!
This is one of her favorite things to do right now, not a very flattering picture but oh so cute to me! :)
This one I snapped today because she was actually keeping her bow in her hair!!! This child DOES NOT like anything in her hair.......which I would be ok with except that it is OUT OF CONTROL right now! Nobody warns you about the horrible stage their hair has to go through while it is growing out.........ick! It grows straight down into her face and it doesn't seem to bother her, I just don't get it :)

A few other things that Kinley loves right now:
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-Bubble Guppies
-Books! Moo, Baa, Lalala is probably her fav right now
-Gymboree class
-coloring (on everything)
-singing "the itsy bitsy spider" &"if you're happy and you know it"
-walking around in the backyard
-stacking and putting things inside of other things
-"helping" with the dishwasher/dishes
-playing in the dog water bowl, ugh!
-Most of all, THIS GIRL LOVES HER DOGGIES! I never ever thought that she would like them as much as she does.  She constantly has to be patting one of them or cuddling with them.  Boomer didn't care for it for a long time but now he doesn't mind her at all, thank goodness.

Love you Kinley Ann! Not sure how Mommy is gonna be able to go back to work after spending some of the best months of my life with you this Summer! :(

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