Sunday, April 29, 2012

Where has the time gone?!?!?!

 Oh my goodness, I can't believe how long i've put aside this blogging thing! I am so afraid im going to forget everything about my sweet girl's 1st year! New moms at work ask me questions all the time about Kinley's baby stage and I ALREADY can't remember A LOT about it, eek!
There's no way to catch up on everything I've failed to post over this crazy year (selling our house, living with my parents for almost 3 months, going back to work at the same time, moving into our new house, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, my bday, Jay's 30th, and countless other "firsts" for K) so I'll just start with her 1st birthday! This is our sweet little chicken on the morning of her big day, opening her presents from mommy and daddy :) She was the happiest ever that morning!
 And this was her later at her polka dot themed birthday party, not very happy at all! She had been really sick the week before (our first big sickness, almost 105 fever :( ) so she was still getting over that......and I don't think she liked having all those people in her house, there were A LOT more than there ever have been.  But everyone still had fun and she got a lot of great things to help her enter the "toddler" phase. 
 These are some shots I took of her yesterday morning in her 1 year outfit (even though she's 13 1/2 ish months already) because I didn't really get any good ones the day of her party.  I worked hard making this 1 onesie so I wanted to make sure I had a good pic of it! :)
Around Easter time, it dawned on me that we HAD to take her picture in the beautiful Texas bluebonnets.  I remember doing this as a kid so I wanted to do it with her too.  Here are 2 great shots, gosh she's cute! :)

I can't believe that we have a one year old and I can't believe that I still fall more in love with her everyday! I've said this about every stage (except newborn stage, eek!) but this might be my favorite! She is communicating like a real little person! We could just sit here and play and laugh at her hilarious personality all day.  She is not totally walking yet, she's being VERY stubborn about it and can totally do it if she would just take some chances! We're up to about 5 steps on her own, closer everyday.  She will walk the whole backyard if you're just barely touching her.........silly girl!
Here are some other fun things I want to remember about this age:
-She loves all food, especially goldfish and nutri grain bars
-She gives daddy the stiff arm and says "no" if he tries to take her from mommy, hilarious!
-I swear she says dog although I can't be sure since I don't speak baby
-She learned to throw balls awhile back and now loves to throw EVERYTHING, not to be rude......just because everything is like a ball I guess!
-She loves her brothers - she loves to feed Boomer all of her food from her highchair and loves to cuddle Cashy all day. 
-She is a patter, she pats her brothers and pats mommy and daddy as if she's saying "i like you, good job"
-Still like to fall asleep with mommy or daddy holding you while watching tv
-love patty cake and still love to play peek a boo
-love the water and can't wait to swim more this summer and at Mrs. Maret's pool
-like to sit in your big girl polka dot chair
-dance and sway to EVERY tune you hear, whether its a real song or a cell phone
-like to go on wagon rides in  your cool new wagon
-say "whats that" which sounds like "uh sah"
-love saying "uh-oh" and love to drop things just so you can say it.  You also say it whenever mommy gets a text which cracks me up. 
-climb the stairs every chance you get

I know there's so much more but thats a good start! Here's some other memorable photos :)

It's been a crazy, crazy, crazy year for the Jensen family.  It has NOT been fun at all being a working mommy, lots of sad days, tears and emotions for this momma........... but you gotta do what you gotta do and we are so very blessed to have an amazing babysitter, Mrs. Maret - to take great care of her while we can't.  I absolutely cannot wait until summer so I can spend everyday playing and taking care of my girl!

I guess I should also mention that me and Kinley are very, very proud of Daddy right now.  He will be DONE with his MBA in a few short months (big graduation party in the works!) and got a new job that he starts on Tuesday! This job is something he's been waiting for for a looooong time and he will finally have a chance to put that big numbers brain of his to work! Now if he can just become a millionaire, we'd very much appreciate that! :)

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