Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dear Kinley, you're the best!


I can't believe you will be 4 months old this week! You are growing way too fast, I want to freeze this 3-4 month period and keep you this way forever! I know I'll love lots of stages but this is the best. You're still a cuddly baby but at the same time you're so strong and ready to do things on your own! You couldn't be funnier, your dad and I can sit and laugh at you for hours......and you could sit and smile for hours with those sweet dimples. Everything that you or anyone else does cracks you up, and you are letting out huge chuckles!

I don't have much to compare to but I seriously think you are the best baby ever. You are so easy going, whether we're just chillin at the house or if I'm dragging you around town in this awful just go with the flow! The only time you get fussy is when you're hungry or super sleepy......and you're a VERY good sleeper! I can't wait to take you to the doctor next week to see how big you've gotten! Here are some things that you're doing right now, right on track!:

-Lifting up on your arms and holding head up for long periods of time, you're finally liking tummy time.
You're a roly poly (which is cute because that was your brother Boomer's name when he was a little bitty baby before we got him :) will not stay on your back - you love to roll over and over and over.

-Still love to "stand up" and stomp your feet or walk up mom and dad.

-Sitting up in your bumbo and playing with toys on the play tray

-Chewing on teethers and drooling like crazy

-Spitting up still! A lot!

-Your favorite toy is your puppy that you snuggle with every time you sleep. The toys have gotten out of control around here now that you can play with them!
-Responding to your name, man your head turns fast!

-Almost sitting up in your new entertainer and playing with the toys on it

-Putting everything and anything in your mouth

-Cuddle in my armpit to go to sleep and like to have your puppy over your face and eyes

-Still loving bath time & swimming

-Still waking up in the morning and just playing around and talking to yourself, as happy as you can be!

-I could keep going on and on!!!!

We love you so much little chicken, you make us SO happy everyday! I'll try to keep writing you on here every once in awhile so one day we can look back at it together :)



House Update

Well this has been one crazy week! We went from having the house sold and having a closing/moving out the buyers backing out! I keep trying to stay positive and say it wasn't meant to be but really I want to find them and rip their hair out a little!

We were having tons of showings and another couple came back a second time and were very interested, but then it all stopped when our status said contract pending.........and now we haven't had any showings after the jerks backed out! Woops, another venting session........sorry!

Anyways, its back to cleaning everything every time I leave the house and the worst part is, I thought I was gonna get my boys back in a few weeks :(

Please someone come buy this house!

I didn't want to post about the new house stuff because I feel like it will jinx us (because we have to sell our house in order to have the one we're building obviously).......but Im going to anyway. Glass half full, right?!

Here is our lot! There is a sold sign there now but we won't take a picture with it until the day our current house is sold for real!

Here are some pictures I took at a house that was being built in the neighborhood, same exact floor plan.......they just have upgraded floors and cabinets.

I would kill to have these beautiful, dark hardwood floors. I'll miss the ones we have now but the dogs just don't mix well with them. And quite honestly, as I get hurts my poor bunyans walking around on them! haha!

Love the arches and the stairs, I picked the same spindles that these stairs have.

Open kitchen to living room. Our living room will not have the regular ceiling like this will be open all the way to the top because I wouldn't let Jay have a media room :)

I really love their cabinets too, just like the floors.....but I think when I asked, they were about a $15,000 upgrade. Are you kidding me!

Extra little cute cabinet desk by the back door, built in wine rack! Although I will never have enough to keep any up there, I drink it too fast!

The vent a hood is standard.....a little too fancy for me but I'll take it. Our backsplash will be small tumble tiles like these, but much lighter......theres a pic of one later. I really wanted them to leave it blank so we could do what we want to the backsplash, but they won't. The lady said they are real easy to pop out so I want to find some cute little decorative mosaic tiles to pop into the tumble tile so its not so white.

View of kitchen from living room. The kitchen table nook is to the left and there is a nice, long window seat over there too. I love the island! I've always wanted one........I remember when we saw this house model last summer I sat on the island and wouldn't leave :)

This is the color of the granite that will be in the kitchen. I'm still not 100% on it but I think it will look good once its in there. I wish there was a way to see exactly what all of your stuff will look like together........its too hard to choose!

Granite again, these peeps put it in their bathroom, we won't have that.

Here are the little samples of all the stuff we chose yesterday. The backsplash tiles are at the top. I really hope I like these cabinets, I am in love with the cabinets we have now and I wanted something as close to those as I could get within the standard choices.......because the ones I really loved were insanely expensive, dangit! The granite looks gray here, thats why it scares me......but its not really gray. Then there's the good ol' regular carpet and tile and the little touch of pizazz I want to add to the master bathroom tile around the shower.

This is an exciting but stressful process! I would have a fit if someone else got to buy the home we designed for our family! I'm just keeping my fingers crossed everyday and praying for the phone to ring for showings!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fourth of July 2011

We had a relaxing, low-key 4th of July this year......which was perfectly fine with us! We went for a little swim that morning and then headed off to Mike and Mistys house for some burgers and beer.......but first we had to change chicken into her PRESH outfit that I picked out at Target a looong time ago just for this special 4th! Here she is :)

One of the very few pics I have with her, please excuse my fatness......when I get it all off, we're gonna have a big, fancy photo shoot together!

Sweet lil' fam

It was so good to see one of my favorite nephews, Barley! He got lots of extra lovin from me since I don't have my boys to love on right now. Look at that face!

Had to do an outfit change after Kinley spit up her entire bottle on me (mainly into my cleavage, yum!) Mommy needed a drink too!

There always has to be props!

And here is Kinley's photo session with ALL the props! :)

This last one is my fav!

When we got home that night, we could see one of the big Mckinney firework shows from our backyard. It was pefect, Kinley even noticed them! Looking forward to many more holidays with her :)