Thursday, June 24, 2010

The past couple weeks:painting & reading the days away!

Summer is already flying by....which is not good if you're a teacher :(
But oh well, I'm glad to have the time off and I've kept myself pretty busy so far!

The workout/Cash's room is so pretty now! Before, you would risk having a seizure in there from the fun and cute yet way too bright lime green paint! Now it's a veeeeery calm blue gray that I absolutely LOVE!! I'm thinking ivory and chocolate decor.....with a little bit of green of course!

Next up, the study that we were so excited to paint red and make our OU room when we moved in. Boy was that a mistake! The red was fun for a minute but we pretty much hated it and the 100 coats of paint it took to get it right. Now it's a milk chocolatey grey color, the same color I
painted the bathroom and the same color as our dining room.
(The red is bad, but it isn't as bad as it shows up in this picture, yuck! What a nice change....what was I thinking!)
It will still be the OU Boomer Sooner room of course, just better!

Master Bathroom!
I don't have any before pics, probably because I
hated it so much. The previous owners had an interesting taste in paint colors ;) The bedroom and the bathroom were a horrible throw up gold color as i call it, ha! I painted our bedroom a nice light green a long time ago but never made it to the bathroom because I knew it would be a pain. 2 and 1/2 years later, Grandma came over and we knocked it out!

In between all the painting, I've read 3 books that I want to share because I love them! Plenty more to come I'm sure, once I start one I can't put it down.

(This one is soooooooo good!)

What I'm reading now:

And my trusty sidekicks are worn out from following mom around wondering what she's doing and why she's home all day now!

1 comment:

  1. Love your paint colors! I'm still reading Heart of the Matter-good so far!
