Thursday, June 24, 2010

The past couple weeks:painting & reading the days away!

Summer is already flying by....which is not good if you're a teacher :(
But oh well, I'm glad to have the time off and I've kept myself pretty busy so far!

The workout/Cash's room is so pretty now! Before, you would risk having a seizure in there from the fun and cute yet way too bright lime green paint! Now it's a veeeeery calm blue gray that I absolutely LOVE!! I'm thinking ivory and chocolate decor.....with a little bit of green of course!

Next up, the study that we were so excited to paint red and make our OU room when we moved in. Boy was that a mistake! The red was fun for a minute but we pretty much hated it and the 100 coats of paint it took to get it right. Now it's a milk chocolatey grey color, the same color I
painted the bathroom and the same color as our dining room.
(The red is bad, but it isn't as bad as it shows up in this picture, yuck! What a nice change....what was I thinking!)
It will still be the OU Boomer Sooner room of course, just better!

Master Bathroom!
I don't have any before pics, probably because I
hated it so much. The previous owners had an interesting taste in paint colors ;) The bedroom and the bathroom were a horrible throw up gold color as i call it, ha! I painted our bedroom a nice light green a long time ago but never made it to the bathroom because I knew it would be a pain. 2 and 1/2 years later, Grandma came over and we knocked it out!

In between all the painting, I've read 3 books that I want to share because I love them! Plenty more to come I'm sure, once I start one I can't put it down.

(This one is soooooooo good!)

What I'm reading now:

And my trusty sidekicks are worn out from following mom around wondering what she's doing and why she's home all day now!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Crafty Ideas :)

More crafty things I want start on soon!
A couple months back, I ran across these in a Ballard catalogue:

They were so simple and cute.....and perfect for filling a few blank walls around the house. But, there was no way I was paying an arm and a leg for something I could make with a piece of fabric, a piece of ribbon and some cardboard. (ok, I wouldn't use cardboard but I could!).
All I need is some fabric to match the room and I've got my wall art, as big or small as I need it to be :)

After thinking about making these, I started to realize this is how easy it is to make all the cute memory and magnet boards you see everywhere these days. And that putting a frame around them would make them even cuter! I've found some old frames around and have been looking at stores for ones that I can use, some are pretty ugly but nothing a can of spray paint can't help!

Here are some other inspiration pics for all many cute things can be hopefully I can make them happen!

One more little thing on my list........Instead of buying a jewelry box, Im working on creating a couple of these that I can use for all my earrings, and as cute bedroom/bathroom decor!

Here We Go!

Well, now that I'm settled into summer I can start trying out this blog thing! I have to admit I feel like I have nothing to offer to the blog world and felt like I should at least have kids to start one.....but a few of my besties said they were going to delete me from their daily blog checking list if I didn't get something going! That was motivation enough!

Usually my summers are spent reading, reading, reading along with a whole lot of nothing. Now, after finding sooo many great decorating/crafting blogs that I love, it looks like this one will be mainly spent decorating and redecorating......on a budget of course! I've become super excited about finding cheap items and "shnazzing" them up to re-vamp our house and to finally decorate some rooms I never really paid attention to. I thought my first blog could be all about ideas I have and sharing my house revamp to do list.........maybe if I share it on here, it will help hold me accountable to actually get it done!

The most important project that I've already started is PAINTING, PAINTING, PAINTING!!
Why is it so freakin' hard to find the right never looks anything like it does on the store samples when you get it on the wall. I'm repainting one of the guest rooms, the study and both bathrooms....we'll see how it goes!

I found the two most amazing lamps ever at Home Goods the other day and they have created a "problem" that has caused me to change around my living room........a room I thought was finally complete, oops! The lamps are very fun and would be a focal point of the room but don't work with my wall pictures, so I'm moving the pics somewhere else and started on a fun project for the empty wall!
Here's what the lamps look like:
For the empty wall, I've googled and found some ideas. I love the idea of using frames, mirrors and shelving as sort of a collage. Here's some I found:

Here's what I've started throwing together on my table so I can see it laid out, I'm definitely still playing with it, a combination of a cool mirror I'll re-paint white from IKEA and a lot of frames I have....some with pictures and some with pretty scrapbook paper. I don't know if I want to add shelves or not???