Sunday, August 29, 2010


Usually the only thing that excites me about fall is the fact that it means football season is here!!!! But this year for some reason I have gotten so excited about all the fall decor ideas I'm seeing. I walked into hobby lobby the other day and got that warm fuzzy feeling all over because they had all their fall and christmas out, yay!!!!! I'm one of those people that think the stores can't put that stuff out soon enough......I would be fine if they started playing Christmas music now :)
I have never decorated for fall, maybe because I try to stay far away from all things orange (coral is a totally different story though!)......but I have always wanted to eventually be one of those people who decorates for every holiday-like even 4th of july and st. pattys! I picture just changing out the mantle, table and kitchen bar decor every couple months for whatever's coming up. We'll see if this happens, gonna have to hit up a lot of hobby lobby holiday sales!

Anyways, I think this year I'm gonna work on some fall/pumpkin decor for the mantle and table, and we'll see where it goes from there! I won't even get started on talking about Christmas decorating, I am and always have been obsessed with it and it stands alone vs. all the other holdays :)
I'm waiting patiently for the offiical fall Pottery Barn and Ballards catalogues but here are some inspiration ideas I've come across so far:

This is a little too Halloween'ish for me but this is the kind of console table I'd like to find to host all the fun holiday goodies! And I don't know why I've never noticed them before but I LOVE the white pumpkins in these pics.......where in the world do you get white pumpkins because I want some, A LOT!!

This is a very clean, basic and easy idea for the mantle! I like the idea of framing the Boo letters-maybe add some cute, fun fall scrapbook paper! I love the little pumpkins on the candle pillars, but I think I would have to jazz up the pumpkins a little like the ones below......maybe even add some Boomer Sooner painted pumpkins! I'll try again but I've found I stink at carving pumpkins so I should probably stick to painting them :)

And I just thought this was a really pretty idea for the fancy fall dinner party that I'll never have :)

If my dreams come true, I may be able to host a holiday housewarming party! Not gonna hold my breath but I'm gonna keep trying to convince Mr. over-analyzer that we should put our house on the market and go for it! :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What to do.....What to do......

Well after some pressure last night by a certain blond friend to get a new post going already......I decided I would make her happy! ;)

The hubby and I have been doing some research and are thinking about taking advantage of these super low interest rates and moving! At first we thought we'd refinance but that would mean staying here for 4-5 more years and that ain't happenin'! We've really loved this house but among other things, the backyard is the size of my bathtub and our giant babies (and future real babies) need some space to run! We knew we wouldn't be here more than 5 years so why not cut it a few years short?!?! The next house will be something we'll stay in for a loooooooooong time.
So since we may start looking or building, I thought I could use some inspiration......some realistic and some not so much!

Big backyard!!! A MUST!

Stairs! Not a must but I never had stairs growing up and always loved going to friends houses that had them (I don't know why). I'm still like a little kid, I want some!

Granite countertops! I know, everyone has them....they come with every home these days but we don't have any so they're on the wish list. I'd also love to have these white cabinets but thats not gonna happen :)

Mmmmmmmmm, pretty and lots of counter space! I heart islands!

I love a cute little covered porch! I also love this brick color with the white makes such a difference.

What?!?! A girl can dream!
Maybe we can have this in oh, 50 years.

I love our hardwood floors but I don't love that they're way soft and the dogs have killed them. I think it'd be smart to just get in the living room next time. These old, hand scraped looking ones are great looking, much harder for the doggies to destroy!

So we'll continue going back and forth.......but I think we are both set on moving. We found a great new neighborhood with some amazing deals where we can build, its insane how much more home you can get right now for the same mortgage payment you've been paying forever.
No rush, taking our time......we'll see!